“Affordable, practical, and with YOU everywhere!”
Welcome to APOSTOLIC BIBLE COLLEGE & SEMINARY (ABCS)! If you are looking for the usual bible college or university, then we are afraid you have chosen unwisely! ABCS is an innovative, Bible-based structured learning environment designed to prepare ministry professionals according to the Word of God. Many Bible-based schools of higher learning are so structured like secular institutions that their graduates struggle in their first assignments when trying to apply academic knowledge to practical ministry situations. When we prayed about our mission and organization after an internal challenge, we decided to develop a bible college that is based squarely on the 5-fold ministry of the Church, one which maximizes biblical scholarship and functional ministerial acumen so that its graduates and students can confidently succeed wherever God has called them. ABCS’s structure is an innovative hybrid seminary, college, and university structure applied to the Church of Jesus Christ to achieve success in ministry much like the success in secular industry of students who have graduated from Executive-styled programs.
Before we look at why we are structured differently, let us review two fundamental scriptures:
- Ephesians 4: 11-13 (NASB) “And He gave some as apostles, some as prophets, some as evangelists, some as [Gr. Shepherds] pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the [Lit Holy ones = God’s people] saints for the work of ministry, for the building up of the body of Christ; until we all attain to the unity of the faith, and of the [Or true knowledge] knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature man, to the measure of the stature [Lit of the fullness] which belongs to the fullness of Christ.”
- 2 Tim 2:15 (NASB) “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a worker who [Or, has no reason to] does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth.”
Biblical scholarship and these 2 specific references dictate that ABCS be structured into multiple schools or colleges; in this case two (2) main schools, like a university – The School of Scholarship (bible college), where all ABCS courses originate, and The School of Ministry (seminary), where the executive program certifications and professional societies originate. As in the Church, the Apostle sits as the Executive Director of ABCS. Each main School is administrated by a Dean of the School and any subsequent subdivisions are administered by Directors. Managing the professors, docents, and instructors is the responsibility of the Director.
The School of Scholarship (bible college) is subdivided by eleven (11) Departments which have a total of forty-four (44) disciplines. The focus of the School of Scholarship is on scholarship and for this purpose all courses originate there so that the rigor of all coursework is standardized across ABCS, regardless of which school a student attends.
The School of Ministry is subdivided into 3 main sub-schools:
- The School of the Apostles
- The School of the Prophets
- The School of the Elders, which has 3 main concentrations (Pastor, Evangelist, and Teacher).
The School of Ministry is focused on ministry and therefore seeks to prepare students for excellence in the professional calling of Christ’s Church. In this latter day when false- or mis-information is rampant, even in the Church, The School of Ministry strives, not to be a police of global ministry, but to create a place where laity can count on a leader who is attending our instructional programs.
Each sub-school sponsors a Certification that lasts 2 – 3 years and a Fellowship Society within that certification that requires continuing education in order to remain certified and Active on the Record. This certification program, which should never be confused with our certificate programs, are programs that do not end and provide an automatic Masters of Divinity and Doctor of Divinity degrees. Each member who has completed the program (Fellow) is recommended to complete an additional terminal doctorate in his/her discipline of choice. Upon completion of the initial 100 credits and a detailed vetting of one’s calling, a “certified” alum is admitted to his/her chosen Fellowship Society by a solemn induction ceremony which commits that Fellow to a continued lifetime of service to God’s Church. Each Society holds a roster of “active” fellows and they meet as a society at least once per year to discuss current issues and to decide the continuing education requirements for the next year. Each society will be prepared to verify a “fellow’s” standing and confirm a fellow’s competency and preparedness for the calling they have received from God. The Honor pledge for each fellow is the same as the Honor pledge for any student of ABCS or of any leader in the parent church, which operates ABCS. The certification always belongs to the Society, so that it may be revoked based on posted disciplinary action according to the Society.
Even though ABCS, collectively, is vested in excellence and scholarship, titles and degrees are not the main focus of its professional perspective of ministry and professional management of a ministry is not the main perspective of its scholarship . ABCS prepares its students for The Church, which requires BOTH foci to be truly successful. The programs are all based upon true biblical scholarship and its certifications, certificates, diplomas, and societies are all based upon the skills requisite for successful professional engagement at any “practical” level of ministry. ABCS not only trains and equips those who have been called to full or part-time ministry, but it provides professional societies from which each Executive Ministry Certification originates and follows each graduate with continuing education credits when scholarship in an area has been proven useful. For those interested in academia, research, and pure scholarship, the Bible College functions like most colleges or universities with the ultimate aim of increasing the level of knowledge and scholarship in one’s chosen field.
The School of Scholarship focuses on biblical knowledge and scholarship in any representative discipline. The School of Scholarship is responsible for the baccalaureate through the terminal doctorate degrees. The School of Ministry focuses on practical ministerial acumen based on a professional knowledge of its underlying biblical principles. Since students may not know which track is calling them, every course offered and completed counts towards a degreed course of study in The School of Scholarship AND a professional executive certification, certificate, and/or diploma. Therefore, with practically zero waste of finances or time, students may move back and forth between Schools with the permission and consultation of the Deans. This is facilitated only by all courses originating within the scholastic disciplines of the School of Scholarship. Students from each School learn from the same scholarship so that it is only the depth of demonstrable knowledge that is different between the schools. Students interested in research and academia may partake in professional courses and students interested in professional ministry can immerse themselves in courses of scholarship. We believe that this will prepare our graduates for success in either professional ministry or academia, anywhere they are called and chosen.
The School of Scholarship is priced as 1 program since its focus is on obtaining one or more degrees, while The School of Ministry is more alacarte (paid for by the course). This is done so that working professionals can proceed according to their needs, finances, and time. The School of Ministry student can take the core courses required of most all students and can choose from a plethora of alacarte courses to complete their requirements.
Vision of ABCS is to write the WORD of God on every willing soul who ventures into our global influence. We will then use these learned and practiced skills to apply them to every nation, tongue, and people, supporting each individual to choose their own path and worship their deity in any manner that to them seems fit. We will highlight the unity of humanity under one God, while we allow biblical scholarship and the authority of God to inform our lives and direct our decisions.
The College is headquartered in the USA, and is located globally since courses are currently offered online, on satellite campus at chosen member-churches in country, and via correspondence because we are “affordable, practical, and with YOU everywhere!“. Please contact us any time through the contacts provided.
Apostolic Bible College & Seminary LLC
3847 Sun City Center Blvd, Ste 104-39
Sun City Center, FL 33573-6843
(813) 652-5433